A panoramic view of San Francisco's Ferry Building.


交通枢纽, historic landmark, and 食物ie mecca, 威尼斯人官网平台app的渡轮大厦应该在每个游客的名单上.

在一个拥有众多世界著名标志的目的地, 威尼斯人官网平台app的渡轮大厦以其双重名人地位而引人注目:它既是历史建筑地标,又是这座城市著名建筑的支柱 culinary scene.

的 Ferry Building Marketplace and its adjacent farmers market 服务在一个同样杰出的能力的地方吃饭,沉浸在自己的当地社区. Spend some time browsing the vendors lining the Nave, the market's central indoor thoroughfare, 您将体验到威尼斯人官网平台app最具活力的聚会场所之一, 同时发现北加州的手工食品和葡萄酒生产商的丰饶.


的 San Francisco Ferry Building first opened in 1898, when it was the largest project ever undertaken in the city. With its elegant arches and 245-foot clock tower, 这座巨大的Beaux arts风格的建筑受到了欧洲古典建筑的启发. It served as the city's primary transportation hub, welcoming as many as 50,000 commuters a day, 是谁早上乘渡轮过来,下午又反过来. 在其鼎盛时期,它是世界上最繁忙的中转码头之一. 的 construction of the Golden Gate Bridge and Bay Bridge in the 1930s, along with the proliferation of the automobile, made the Ferry Building all but obsolete. It was transformed into office space in 1955.

In March 2003, 威尼斯人官网平台app渡轮大厦作为渡轮大厦市场重新向公众开放, marking the end of an extensive four-year restoration project. Ferry services resumed. 市场的使命是促进地区工匠生产者,并成为湾区社区的聚集地. It's also a very popular tourist attraction.

Sit-Down Restaurants

渡轮大厦市场挤满了食品摊贩,他们提供从咖啡和糕点到熟食和农场奶酪的美食. 游客可以找到一个好的野餐或酒店房间盛宴的制作, 但你也可以呆在那里,在市场上众多的餐馆里享受一顿大餐. 

At Cholita琳达, dine on fresh Latin dishes made from scratch. 的 breakfasts at Boulettes Larder, country-inspired and eaten at communal tables, are renowned. 的 ahi burger at Gott's Roadside is a local favorite, as are its hand-spun milk shakes. Hog Island Oyster Company offers the freshest Tomales Bay oysters, raw or in creative preparations, 将它们与其他海鲜选择一起供应,并欣赏威尼斯人官网平台app湾的美景. 的 Slanted Door, with its contemporary take on classic Vietnamese cuisine, 值得注意的是,它曾两次被詹姆斯·比尔德基金会评为美国最杰出的餐厅. It is scheduled to reopen in 2023.

Farmers Market & Outdoor Vendors

的 Ferry Plaza Farmers Market 毗邻渡轮大厦,逢星期二及四上午十时至下午十时开放.m. 到2点.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. 到2点.m. 的 market attracts around 40,000 shoppers every week. 人们来这里购买新鲜的当地农产品和手工制品,包括面包和奶酪. 的 Thursday market offers street 食物, and on Saturdays, 许多当地餐馆都出来展示他们菜单上的菜品.

How to Get 的re

渡轮大厦市场位于Embarcadero,市场街与水的交汇处. It is easily accessible via public transport包括Muni、BART、f线历史悠久的有轨电车和渡轮. BART Embarcadero站距离市场只有一个街区, and multiple Muni buses, subways and streetcars stop at or near the building as well.

建议司机将车停在3号码头,沿着Embarcadero向北行驶,或者在位于Embarcadero和华盛顿街的ProPark停车场或位于250 Clay St的Golden Gateway车库获得有效停车位. 星期六早上8点开始,把你买的东西送到素食服务中心.m. 到1p.m. while you continue shopping.

Nearby 景点

许多其他伟大的威尼斯人官网平台app景点都在渡轮大厦市场附近, along with many hotels and restaurants.

Further up the Embarcadero at Pier 15 is the Exploratorium, one of the most unique science museums you'll ever visit. A little further still is bustling 码头39, home to the Aquarium of the Bay, a carousel, and the city's famous resident sea lions. Continue from here to Fisherman's Wharf, one of the most famous attractions in San Francisco. It's the departure point for ferries to 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 as well as sightseeing cruises.

Southward on the Embarcadero is Rincon Park, known for Cupid's Span, a giant bow and arrow sculpture, and unmatched views of the Bay Bridge. 继续向南进入SoMa,你会发现自己在甲骨文公园的正门, home of the San Francisco Giants. 再往南走,穿过第三街大桥进入米申湾,不久你就会来到大通中心, home of the Golden State Warriors, 以及周围社区的商店和餐馆, 繁荣的城市.


Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, and cross-cultural storytelling. 她的作品发表于《威尼斯人官网平台》和《威尼斯人官网平台app》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, 非营利组织, and government. 她和家人住在威尼斯人官网平台app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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